Must Read Monday is a meme created by Jenna from Fans of Fiction. This is a fun way to recommend books to other bloggers by using an acrostic puzzle based on the week's theme. It helps bloggers learn more about the book. This week's theme is A character you love to hate.
From the Harry Potter series
Originally named Tom MarvoLo Riddle
and left in an Orphanage,
he does not have any fRiends
but later gains devoteD followers
He is Vengeful and remorseless
and gOes to extreme lengths
to try to make himself immortaL. He is
determined to Destroy
the boy who livEd and take
command of the Magical world.
Even thOugh he is cunning,
poweRful, and intelligent, he
never undersTands the meaning of love.
Your last line is sad .. I've only read the first 4 of the series so this might have been a little general spoiler but no biggy ..I'm loving the series so far. Best I've come across. Thanks for the reminder ..I need to continue on. :)